OPV - definizione. Che cos'è OPV
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Cosa (chi) è OPV - definizione

  • Hr. Ms. Holland]]
Ocean Patrol Vessels, Oceangoing Patrol Vessels, Offshore Patrol Vessels of soms gewoon patrouilleschepen zijn bij diverse marines en kustwachten de aanduiding voor schepen die zich met name bezighouden met het surveilleren in kustwateren en de zeeën van het continentaal plat.
Hollandklasse (OPV)         
  • Ceremonie bij de indienststelling van Hr.Ms. Holland op 6 juli 2012. Rechts viceadmiraal [[Matthieu Borsboom]]
  • Zr. Ms. Holland]]
  • Modeltekening van de Hollandklasse
Holland klasse
De Hollandklasse is een serie van vier patrouilleschepen van de Koninklijke Marine. Het zijn OPV's, wat staat voor Ocean Patrol Vessels, Oceangoing Patrol Vessels of Offshore Patrol Vessels.
Zr.Ms. Friesland (2013)         
Hr. Ms. Friesland (2013); Friesland (OPV); Hr. Ms. Friesland (OPV); Zr. Ms. Friesland (OPV); Zr. Ms. Friesland (2013); Friesland (2013); Friesland (patrouilleschip uit 2013)
De Zr.Ms.
Esempi dal corpus di testo per OPV
1. Developed and licensed earlier this year in less than six months, mOPVs appear to work faster than traditional trivalent OPV to build immunity against specific polio types.
2. The Ministry of Health has decided that all Haj pilgrims from Afghanistan, India and Pakistan, regardless of age and vaccination status, should receive at least one dose of oral polio vaccine (OPV) prior to their departure for Saudi Arabia.
3. The OPV system is superior to the full preferential system, because one never has the dilemma of voting for a minor party and thus favouring a major party by default.
4. The Indian Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has asked all state governments to make necessary arrangements at all the health facilities for administration of OPV and issuing certificates to Haj pilgrims.
5. Amin Mishkhes, director of infectious diseases in the ministry, even adults will have to go through the immunization process even if they had taken polio drops during their childhood. «All visitors, whether children or adults, must get one dose of OPV (oral polio vaccine) to get visa.